Hailing from Seattle, Washington, Helen Kuhar currently resides in Cambridge, MA. Helen began exploring their connection to folk and Celtic music in 2020 while studying with renowned contra guitarist Alex Sturbaum (Countercurrent, The Engine Room). Upon moving to Cambridge in 2022, Helen dove into the thriving Celtic music scene, playing contra dances, Irish sessions, and concerts around New England and the Pacific Northwest. Since then, Helen has developed their style as a contra accompanist, Irish session backer, and vocalist.
Helen is a member of the contra band Good Company, which includes Rohan Weeden on fiddle and Cecily Mills on cello. The group performed at 2024 NEFFA and 2024 Northwest Folklife Festival, and at the 2025 Flurry Festival.
In addition to playing contra dances with Good Company, Helen also performs with fiddler Rose Jackson, and plays with The Ice Cream Truckers (Noah VanNorstrand and Kelsey Wells) and Effervescence (Alex Sturbaum and Vienna Schyer), and Stove Dragon (Oliver Scanlon, Rose Jackson, Sam Zakon-Anderson, and Max Newman).