Margaret Bary leads English Country and community dancing in New York City and beyond. She has been on staff at Pinewoods Family Week, Campers’ Week and other dance camps, teaching ECD, sword dance and classes for children and teens. As a member of Half Moon Sword, she hosts an annual sword dance festival, and performs locally, as well as at DART, NEFFA and the Marlboro Ale. Recently, Margaret along with her husband Jeff, have delved into dance choreography, writing a number of dances that have been featured in the wider community.
A lifelong dancer and dance educator, Margaret has a background in Modern Dance, holds an MFA in Dance Choreography and is a Certified Movement Analyst. After a long career as a dance specialist at Brooklyn Friends School, she currently mentors preschool teachers in NYC public schools. Underlying her work with people of all ages, Margaret believes that participatory dance fosters joy, self-expression and connection between people.
As a member of the CDSS Board, Margaret serves on the Cultural Equity, Pinewoods Relations, Awards and Executive Committees. She is also on the steering committee of Pourparler, a group for teachers of traditional dance and music in schools and communities.