In 2024, CDSS adopted a set of community dance standards for our camp weeks. These guidelines were adapted with permission from the Olympia Contra Dance Community Standards.

To support a thriving community at camp, we care for each other in these ways …

We strive to be inclusive and welcoming:
  • We welcome young and old, new and experienced dancers to enjoy the dance together.
  • We offer gentle, empathetic, and minimally verbal cues when we notice someone is confused.
  • We dance with whoever is coming at us—whatever their dance ability, whichever role they choose to dance, and regardless of their gender identity or expression.
We act with the whole community in mind:
  • We participate with kindness as we engage with our community in the activities we share and love.
  • We dance gently and with consideration for the whole line and hall, not just focusing on our partner. 
  • We come fragrance-free, knowing that some people have sensitivities.
We communicate openly and practice consent:
  • When we ask someone to dance, we graciously accept “no thanks” as an answer.
  • We ask our partner which role they’d like to dance and come to an agreement together.
  • We are careful to respect physical limitations and preferences at any given time.
  • We volunteer our preferences and needs, such as, “I’m dizzy. Can we slow down?” or holding our own arm down when a twirl is offered to indicate “no.”
  • We ask partners if they would enjoy flourishes before adding them in.

Speak up! If you experience or notice something that doesn’t seem quite right, let an organizer know.

You can download a copy of these standards here.