“You will have so much fun and gain a bigger family by the end of the week.”
–Kristen Planeaux
June 26-30, 2022 // Lyman, NH
The week children take their families to
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Program Description
Fun, friends and laughter, clear mountain air, Ogontz dear Ogontz, a place we all share! 2022 promises to be both a joyous return to at Ogontz and the beginning of a brand new adventure. Come join us for a family camp unlike any other, as we delight in being together once again. Though the “week” will be shorter this year, it will still be filled with all of the music, magic, dancing, storytelling, and humor that make Ogontz so special.
In fact, you can start imagining it right now! Can you hear the first few notes of a beautiful English country dance tune played by phenomenal musicians while Sue Rosen leads you smoothly through the steps? High energy contra music fills Ogontz Hall as caller Rick Mohr gets everyone stomping! Can you feel the jingling joy that Natty Smith’s morris class brings as hankies flitter and fly? Can you imagine soaring harmonies as Anna Patton guides your ear and your voice? And Roger the Jester and Peter Amidon will surely leave you laughing as you sit back in the circle of Adirondack chairs under the old white pine for storytelling. It’s hard to even imagine what might happen at all-camp gatherings! Ogontz campers are just so talented, and sometimes rubber chickens seem to defy gravity as they fly through the air.
Then there’s the sparkling lake ringed by majestic New Hampshire mountains, loons calling, canoes to paddle, and refreshing water to consider. With so many class choices, such an amazing staff, and so much to explore, it’s tough to conjure up everything possible. Maybe you’ll need a nap, and that’s okay too.
With lots of traditional dance offerings from contras and squares to English country and ritual dance, and plenty of opportunities to participate in harmony singing, join the family band and the uke orchestra, and perform with the mummers, there’s truly something for all this year at Ogontz. Caring and talented teachers lead children’s classes, entertainment abounds in the evenings, and Ogontz Camp offers woodlands and wide-open spaces for play and exploration.
Come enjoy the music and dance, the home cooked meals and friends, go for a swim, or paddle a canoe. Whatever you do, we can’t wait to see you at Family Week at Ogontz!
~Fynn Crooks & Laurel Swift, Program Directors
Class Descriptions
Period 1
Ages 2-3: Rachel Bell
Ages 4-5: Lily Leahy
Ages 6-7: Mary Alice Amidon
Ages 8-9: Joanne Garton
Ages 10-12: Peter Amidon
Take a Trip: English Country Dance – Sue Rosen
Pack light and come enjoy the ease and flow of fun English Country Dance. We’ll explore the wide range of wonderful and accessible English country dances from the traditional barn dance to the treasured Playford repertoire and the more recent gems from both sides of the pond. With glorious music, we’ll have fun and dance beautifully, and we’ll be sure to take a trip or two!
Cotswold Morris: Natty Smith, music by Rick Mohr
Description coming soon!
Period 2
Ages 2-3: Mary-Alice Amidon
Ages 4-5: Erika Roderick
Ages 6-7: Lily Leahy
Ages 8-9: Peter Amidon
Ages 10-12: Natty Smith
Morris dancing! With music by Karen Axelrod
World One-Offs – Rachel Bell, Owen Morrison, Joanne Garton
Explore a different travel destination each day through dance! From French bal folk to Irish Kerry sets to Scottish Country Dance, Rachel, Owen and Joanne will lead you smoothly to each port of call. Whether you’ve danced these dances before, or are learning for the very first time, you’re sure to have a delightful journey.
Harmony Singing For All – Anna Patton
Come join the Ogontz choir, singing harmony arrangements of American songs from the 20th and 21st centuries. We’ll learn several songs that are easy to jump in on plus one more ambitious centerpiece song that has a bit of crunch to the harmonies. Music will be provided and singers who want to learn by ear are welcome too.
Period 3
Sea Shanty Sing! – Natty Smith and Erika Roderick
Description coming soon!
All-Comers Ukulele Orchestra – Max Newman
Ukulele is fun for anyone! Get a uke in your hands and join the band. No experience or ukulele required. In fact, no experience preferred.
Family Band – Joanne Garton
Description coming soon!
Mummers Play – Paddy Swanson
The artistic director of Revels will lead us in the creation of another spectacular mummers play. Join the troupe and play your part!
Period 4
Afternoon Contra Dancing – Rick Mohr
Description coming soon!
Musical Improvisation Games – Anna Patton
Is it music? Is it a game? Is it a cacophony? Yes! and it is also both fun and skill-building. We will practice listening, reacting, and expressing ourselves decisively. Anna will teach a handful of music games in which the group collectively creates and morphs melodies, sounds, and song-structures. All voices and instruments are welcome. Under 12 with a parent, please.
Crafternoon – Sarah Nicholson
Create for the sake of joy! Come and play with a variety of materials and discover where your creative process will lead you. Paper, paints and other inspirations will be provided for making paper beads, prayer flags, small books, collages, or creations of your choice.
Teen Class – Max Newman and Fynn Crooks
Description coming soon!
Period 5
Smooth Travels: Waltzing with Owen Morrison
Description coming soon!
Letterboxing – Fynn Crooks
Description coming soon!
Circus Fun – Roger Reed
Description coming soon!